Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm back!!

Wow, it looks like I haven't posted in a while! Things have been going well and I'm moving right along in 2012. I rejoined NutriSystem the end of last year & it's been tough but I'm trying. I'm currently down 4.8 pounds but feeling great. I'm getting back to a regular running schedule and have even started doing some upper body strength training. I signed up for a Rebel Race in April so I need to get my upper body stronger!!

Had a great double workout today! Something I've never done before!! OK, who am I & what did I do with the old me???? Must've had some pent up energy from staying in bed all day yesterday 'cause I felt like I was fighting a cold or something. Not only did I bring Shaun T back into my life & bust out the Asylum Strength workout, but then after just a short 15 minute rest break I went out & did a 4.2 mile run!! And I feel great!! My calves were burning in the beginning of the run from all the squats, but they loosened up & I felt great!! Wow, I really can do anything I set my mind to, huh?? Feeling good about myself today!! :)

I have my little black dress hanging in my hallway so that I can see it everyday & hopefully that will help keep me on track so that I can look my best & rock that dress in Vegas in June!!

Keep moving forward!! <3

Monday, November 21, 2011

No escape...

The tears well up in my eyes.
There is a lump in my throat.
I take my first steps to escape the pain, but it's not immediate.
Every few steps I feel the tears fight back and I'm not sure I can go on.
I keep moving forward until the adrenaline slowly starts to take over.
The tears go away for the moment & my body goes numb, except for the feeling of my feet hitting the pavement and the air in my lungs.
These are the days I wish I could run forever.
I don't want to stop because once I stop the sadness will quickly return.
Running may never heal a broken heart...but for that hour of being alone with nothing but my thoughts, I can't feel the pain.
I forget.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gettin' My Groove Back!!

Not doing very well at posting here regularly but I'll try to get better with that.

I'm getting back on track & hope I can stick with it this time!!

Started running again & ran 4 days this week so far! It definitely does help when you stick with it. Each day feels a bit better & I'm hoping to get back to loving running again. Forgot to cut my toenails & had a slight mishap. Came back to a slightly bloody sock, channeling my inner Curt Schilling. LOL So far I haven't lost the nail, but it does have that weird sensation so we'll see what happens in the next few days.

I'm planning on doing another round of Insanity starting 11/11/11! hoping it will be part of my Beachbody Challenge, but so far I have no participants. It's a bit frustrating but I'm not giving up. May take a while for people to make the choice to get healthy. All I can do is keep offering my support & wait for them to decide.

Time for bed. May actually see our first snow tomorrow! Yes, it's still October!! Crazy!! :)


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bumpy Road!!

This journey is becoming a little rougher than I thought. I was so excited to get myself in shape & ready to rock Vegas next year but it's been hard!! I still have time but I have to get my mind right & stop sabotaging myself!!

Hit the asphalt for the first time in about 10 days...3.57 miles. Remind me again why this is fun?? I'm nauseous. LOL It's never been the same since my first half. I lost my passion, I lost the runner's high. Not sure why it never came back???? I love running, I know I do. It's just hard to get out there & my body doesn't feel good while doing it. Feels like starting over with a negative, but will try to stick with it. But I did there's my positive for the day!! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


I've been humbled. Did the Insanity Fit Test today & my numbers were back to pretty close to where they were when I first started it. How did that happen?? :( Moving forward...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm Back & Ready To Recommit!!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. I've been going through a rough patch & trying to fight my way out of it. I'm having my post-half marathon letdown, but I'm ready to move forward. I'm changing my attitude & taking my life back! Things are going to look up!!!!

It's a new month, a new season, a beautiful change in weather...what better time to find the new Me than now!! No more excuses, no more slacking off!! I have 3 months left to go out of 2011 with a bang!! Yes, it's going to be tough, but I did it before & I will do it again!! I will thank you in advance for the support of my amazing friends!! I know you will be there to help me through, to celebrate my successes & to catch me when I fall!! Why wait for tomorrow when you can start today??!! ♥

Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 Days To RnR Philly!!!!

In honor of my becoming an Emerald Coach with Beachbody today I just knocked out a 6 mile run...during the week!! Oh yeah!!!! And considering I lost a minute or two having to stop at a few red lights my time wasn't bad!! 10 days 'til RnR Philly!!